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about US

Ma passion pour la permaculture et mon envie de la partager aux autres vient de différents constats.


Le constat que nos modes de vie ne sont pas durables : la gabegie énergétique dont nos sociétés sont dépendantes est le résultat de méthodes qui exploitent des ressources non renouvelables. Des besoins non essentiels sont exagérément sollicités et nos ressources renouvelables (biodiversité, terre, soleil, eau, etc.) sont gérées de manière très inefficaces et ne permettant pas leur régénération naturelle sur le long terme.

Le constat que nos modes de vie ne respectent pas les êtres vivants : Nos besoins essentiels sont très mal remplis (famine, insécurité, conditions de vie insalubres, pollution des aliments, de l'air, des sols, maladies de civilisation, exploitation de main d'oeuvre bon marché dans des pays à l'économie dérégulée, destruction de l'environnement dans les pays en voie de développement, etc.). La destruction des habitats pour la culture agricole ainsi que l'artificialisation des sols pour l'extension urbaine accaparent des espaces libres pour la vie sur Terre. La disparition de la biodiversité réduit également notre sécurité. En effet, cette dernière nous assure fourniture d'aliments, contrôle des maladies, d'érosion des sols, d'incendie, gestion du stock d'eau potable, service de pollinisation, cf. tous les services écosystémiques listés au Millenium Ecosystem Assesment etc.

My passion for permaculture and my desire to share it with others comes from different observations.


The observation that our lifestyles are not sustainable: the energy mismanagement on which our societies are dependent is the result of methods that exploit non-renewable resources. Non-essential needs are overstretched and our renewable resources (biodiversity, land, sun, water, etc.) are managed in a very inefficient way and do not allow their natural regeneration over the long term.

The observation that our lifestyles do not respect living beings: Our essential needs are very poorly met (famine, insecurity, unhealthy living conditions, pollution of food, air, soil, diseases of civilization, exploitation of human cheap labor in countries with deregulated economies, destruction of the environment in developing countries, etc.). The destruction of habitats for agricultural cultivation as well as the artificialization of soils for urban expansion are monopolizing free spaces for life on Earth. The loss of biodiversity also reduces our security. Indeed, the latter ensures us supply of food, control of diseases, soil erosion, fire, management of the stock of drinking water, pollination service, cf. all the ecosystem services listed in Millenium Ecosystem Assessmentetc

The observation that other ways of life are possible and that knowledge exists on a much more efficient management of resources, which respects natural cycles and all living beings on Earth. The observation that these methods have been tested and proven for many years and in many regions of the world, under the name of permaculture or others (peasant techniques, agro-ecology, aboriginal villages, etc.).

My background has led me to take an interest in these topics:

  • 2013 : Obtaining a Master 2 in Ecology option Conservation Biology at the University of Burgundy / AGROSUP (Dijon - 21)

  • 2015 : Obtaining a Specialized Master in Environmental Management at INSA (Lyon - 69)

  • 2015 - 2019 : Environmental study manager in a design office (Lyon - 69)

  • 2019 - Today : Passionate and independent trainer in permaculture at TELLUS with in particular:

  1. Development of an urban farm “La Ferme de la Croix-Rousse” in Lyon 4 with implementation of a design over 6,000 m² and cultivation beds in living soil;

  2. Permaculture initiation training from June to October 2019, then March 2020 at the Ferme de la Croix-Rousse (Lyon 4) and Ô Jardins d'Or in Saint-Didier-Au-Mont-d'Or (69);

  3. Presentation course on permaculture, design according to permacultural methods and functional ecology to students of the International Master Terra Institute (ITI) in Paris XVI;

  4. Development of an eco-farm project according to the principles and ethics of permaculture in Saône-et-Loire (71) with the aim of producing locally (vegetables, fruits, plants) and sharing knowledge in a concrete place.

My knowledge around permaculture has grown through research and personal studies, nourished by my passion in this field since my university years. I also participated in a Certified Permaculture Course (CCP or PDC in English), for 72 hours over 2 weeks in the summer of 2018, in the hinterland of Nice at La Gaude (06), with the Permacultive association. The trainers were Andrew and Jessie Darlington.


To complete this certification, I participated in various training and volunteering in farms whose design respects the ethics and principles of permaculture:

  • One-month volunteering on a 5-hectare site in Andalusia (near Torre Del Mar and El Toril) in November 2019 in order to set up an edible garden-forest within an intercultural retreat and meditation center (Project Monte Alegre);

  • Botanical MOOC by Tela-Botanica in April 2020;

  • Botanical training and essential species in permaculture with Eric Escoffier in July 2020;

  • MOOC Soils: functions and regenerating processes by Wageningen University in January 2021;

  • Syntropic agroforestry systems design course by the Waybil collective in Santiago, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, in March 2022.

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